Thursday, October 10, 2013

Aisha Mature When Muhammad had Sex with Her?

A. Aisha's Age
APPARENTLY ashamed that their prophet Muhammad married a 6-year-old girl and had sex with her when she was 9 years old, Muslims have been coming up with various explanations to prove that the girl was already in puberty at a young age.

Muslims claim that 9-year-old girls during the time of their prophet where “big” (malaki ang bulas) or were already in puberty, or was already menstruating.

But the Hadiths, or traditions about the life of Islam’s prophet, contradict all the explanations of Muslim apologists.

The Hadiths, particularly that of Bukhari—which the Islamic world considers as the most reliable collection of stories about Islam’s prophet—clearly show that the 9-year-old Aisha was still a “little girl” or “young girl” when their prophet had taken her for his wife.

It is notable that many of the accounts that say that Aisha was a “little” or “young” girl was told by the Aisha herself.

B. The TRUTH According to the Hadith
Following are some of the Hadith accounts that show this fact and truth.

Narrated 'Aisha: The Prophet was screening me with his Rida' (garment covering the upper part of the body) while I was looking at the Ethiopians who were playing in the courtyard of the mosque. (I continued watching) till I was satisfied. So you may deduce from this event how a little girl (who has not reached the age of puberty) who is eager to enjoy amusement should be treated in this respect.

In this hadith, Islam’s prophet kept the “LITTLE GIRL” Aisha in his UPPER GARMENT. This shows the CHILD being HELD CLOSE to the BODY of Islam’s prophet.

Islamic tradition prohibits the mingling of NON-RELATIVE MALES and FEMALES, more so A FEMALE BEING HELD CLOSE to the BODY of a NON-RELATIVE MALE. This shows that the “LITTLE GIRL” was already the WIFE of Islam’s prophet when he HELD HER CLOSE to HIS BODY.

This shows that according to Aisha, she was still a “LITTLE GIRL,” one who “HAS NOT REACHED THE AGE OF PUBERTY” when the prophet of Muslims TOOK HER INTO HIS ARMS in MARRIAGE.

Narrated 'Aisha: I used to play with the dolls in the presence of the Prophet, and my girl friends also used to play with me. When Allah's Apostle used to enter (my dwelling place) they used to hide themselves, but the Prophet would call them to join and play with me. (The playing with the dolls and similar images is forbidden, but it was allowed for 'Aisha at that time, as she was a little girl, not yet reached the age of puberty.) (Fateh-al-Bari page 143, Vol.13)  (Book #73, Hadith #151)

According to Aisha, she was still PLAYING WITH DOLLS when Islam’s prophet “used to enter (my dwelling place).” This fact prompted the highly regarded commentary FATEH-AL-BARI [also FATH-UL-BARI] to explain that “'Aisha at that time, as she was a little girl, not yet reached the age of puberty.”

Muslims will say that the hadith does not say that Aisha ang their prophet were already married and living together at that time.

But again, Islamic tradition prohibits NON-RELATED MALES from ENTERING the DWELLING PLACES of FEMALES. The fact that Islam’s prophet freely ENTERED the dwelling place of the “LITTLE GIRL” showed that Aisha has STILL “not yet reached the age of puberty” when they started living together.

Narrated 'Aisha: After the slanderers had given a forged statement against her, Allah's Apostle called 'Ali bin Abi Talib and Usama bin Zaid when the Divine Inspiration was delayed. He wanted to ask them and consult them about the question of divorcing me. Usama gave his evidence that was based on what he knew about my innocence, but 'Ali said, "Allah has not put restrictions on you and there are many women other than her. Furthermore you may ask the slave girl who will tell you the truth." So the Prophet asked Barira (my salve girl), "Have you seen anything that may arouse your suspicion?" She replied, "I have not seen anything more than that she is a little girl who sleeps, leaving the dough of her family (unguarded) that the domestic goats come and eat it." Then the Prophet stood on the pulpit and said, "O Muslims! Who will help me against the man who has harmed me by slandering my wife? By Allah, I know nothing about my family except good." The narrator added: Then the Prophet mentioned the innocence of 'Aisha. (See Hadith No. 274, Vol. 6)

The LITTLE GIRL, Aisha, was already MARRIED and LIVING WITH Islam’s prophet when she was accused of being UNFAITHFUL to him. So, Aisha’s slave girl, BARIRA, had to testify on her behalf.

According to the hadith, Barira declared that the WIFE of Islam’s prophet was “a little girl” who even neglects her basic duties as a child.

In HADITH 48, BOOK 829, Barira is even cited as saying, “I have never seen in her anything faulty except that she (Aisha) is a girl of IMMATURE AGE.”

There are more hadiths that show the same thing: that Aisha was a “LITTLE GIRL” and of “IMMATURE AGE” when she became the wife of Islam’s prophet.

And these hadiths PROVE that the explanations of Muslim apologists are ALL WRONG.

The WIFE of Islam’s prophet HAD NOT REACHED the AGE OF PUBERTY when she was MARRIED and LIVED with him. She was still a “LITTLE GIRL” and NOT “BIG” as Muslims claim.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Is God One or Many?

MUSLIMS attack the Bible by citing an alleged contradiction in the Bible where in one verse it said that there is one God and in several others it supposedly portrayed God as being many.

Detractors of the Bible use Deuteronomy 6:4 against Genesis 1:26, Genesis 3:22, Genesis 18:1-3 and 1John 5:7.

They say Deut 6:4 says, “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord.” So, the Bible says that there is one God.

On the other hand, they say Gen 1:26, 3:22, 18:1-3 and 1Jn 5:7 (KJV) indicate that there are “many Gods.”

For example, Gen 1:26 says: Then God said, "Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness.”

They stress the use of “US” and “OUR” which indicate a plurality or which involve many—as Muslims say “many Gods.”

So, using Deut 6:4 and Gen 1:26 and the other verses, Muslims say the Bible contradicts itself on the number of God or Gods.

Muslims are simply mistaken. There is no contradiction in the Bible. Muslims just do not understand what the verses and the Bible are saying.


THE verses cited by Muslims only point to the TRUTH that God is ONE and He has MANY PERSONS.

Muslims do not understand this truth because they choose to confuse themselves by insisting that being ONE GOD is “CONTRADICTORY” to GOD having MANY PERSONS.

No, there are no contradictions there. In fact, there are many in God’s creations that are ONE and yet MANY.

Take the family for example. The family is ONE, but it has MANY MEMBERS.

Muslims even have their UMMAH as an example of ONE but HAVING MANY MEMBERS.

Sadly, Muslims ignore facts so they could continue with their wrong idea about God, who is ONE but having MANY PERSONS—a TRINITY.

The declaration of Deut 6:4 that God is one shows the fact that God is NOT a ABSOLUTE ONE, but a UNITED ONE.

The Hebrew word in Deut 6.4 that is translated as “one” is “ECHAD.”

Let is note that “echad” is the same word used by God in Genesis 2:24, where He said that “a man … clings to his wife, and they become ONE flesh.” This refers to marriage.

Notice that TWO: a man and a woman, are JOINED to form ONE (echad) flesh. So, the ONE referred to is NOT an ABSOLUTE ONE but a “UNION of TWO.”

That is the same condition referred to in Deut 6:4, when it says, God is ONE. It is not saying that God is an absolute one, but a UNION of MANY, such as a union of MANY PERSONS or individual members.

Now, this UNION of MANY PERSONS is also indicated in one of the Hebrew words for God—ELOHIM.

Elohim means God. It shows ONE God, but the word itself is PLURAL, which indicates the MANY in the ONE God.

This PLURALITY in the ONE God is the truth expressed in say Gen 1:26, 3:22, 18:1-3 and 1Jn 5:7 (KJV).

In Gen 1:26, God is ONE but is shows Him TALKING to His other members: "Let US make humankind in OUR image, according to OUR likeness.”

The same is shown in Gen 3.22 where God says, “the man has become like one of US,” again indicating that there are MANY MEMBERS in the Godhead.

At first, in the Old Testament, people did not understand this PLURALITY in the ONE God. It was only fully revealed when the Lord Jesus, the Second Person of the One God, became man and introduced God as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28:19)

Man also began to understand that God is a Trinity when the Third Person of the One God came upon the first Christians on Pentecost day.

Thus, Christians believe in One God who has 3 Persons: The Father, the Son, and The Holy Spirit.

Again, there is NO CONTRADICTION in regard to that as Muslims claim.